Thursday, July 24, 2008

Body Language.

This session, I take newspaper as my seminar class. I find it is quite interesting that we can write whatever we like.

Jess, Heather and I are in the same group, and body language is our topic. In order to do a good job, we collect a lot of information. The most significant thing is to interview people who come from different cultures, and ask them to think one of body languages in their countries. It's interesting that some cultures have the same body language, but quite a different meaning.

look at the right picture. Can you guess the meaning of this gesture in Greece? If you want to know it, please pay special attention to the next newspaper. keep in mind that you can't do it to a Greek.

Do you notice that body language can help us a lot to communicate with others, especially for YUELI students. When we don't know how to spell, we can describe the shape of it. On the other hand, body language is not only means gesture but also sounds.
Even thought body language is veru useful, we must make sure the meaning of it before we use it. Because it will bring you a big problem, if you use it in a wrong way.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Go Fishing on Canada Day!

It was a wonderful day that my friends and I went to Rice Lake for fishing.....
In order to get more fishes, we got up eariler and went there at 9:00 am. Even though it took us
one hour to get there, we were so excited all the way.

As my friends metained before, it is really a beautiful Lake that is surrounded by blue water and green trees; also, the air here is more fresh than downtown. We took lots of pictures there, and got a lot of fishes.
Actually, it was my first time fishing, and I found that it was not difficult if you have enough patient to do it. After this experience, fishing becomes my favourite habit.
We went fishing from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; nevertheless, we never feel tired. Sometimes, we played cards and listened to music.
when we went back, all the fishes were cooked by us, yet they were very delicious.