Friday, July 11, 2008

Go Fishing on Canada Day!

It was a wonderful day that my friends and I went to Rice Lake for fishing.....
In order to get more fishes, we got up eariler and went there at 9:00 am. Even though it took us
one hour to get there, we were so excited all the way.

As my friends metained before, it is really a beautiful Lake that is surrounded by blue water and green trees; also, the air here is more fresh than downtown. We took lots of pictures there, and got a lot of fishes.
Actually, it was my first time fishing, and I found that it was not difficult if you have enough patient to do it. After this experience, fishing becomes my favourite habit.
We went fishing from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; nevertheless, we never feel tired. Sometimes, we played cards and listened to music.
when we went back, all the fishes were cooked by us, yet they were very delicious.

1 comment:

Don said...

I have a good friend who tells me that I should learn to fish and take fishing up as a hobby. He likes it a lot and can talk for hours about how relaxing and philosophical it is. There's a whole philosophy of life that you can learn from the activity. It begins with patience . .

But then, I've never actually done it! (Well, once or twice when I was very young, but I don't remember liking it very much then) . . .