Monday, August 18, 2008


Li Yang is my boyfriend, and we get together only in half an year. However, he had met my family for several times, and becomes one part of my family, but his parents haven't see me at all.

maybe after 2 years, he will come here to stay with me, and after I finish my university, we will come back together.
Even though we had phoned to each other everyday, I miss him very much. this year, I will come back to China in Crismats' time. I hope time will goes quickly, and I can go back to China as soon as possible.

cut hair -----DuoDuo

DuoDuo is our dog, and we have owned her for 5 mouths. She is very cute that everyone likes her. Today, we went out for cutting her hair. After that, DuoDuo became more cute than before.
She is so cute that everyday she runs around and plays with her toys. sometimes, when she tried, she will go to sleep around me. She likes to sleep with me, so I guess she may be regard me as her mother.
when I stay at home by myself, she becomes my best friend to play with me. thus, with her help, I never though lonely.
When I go back to China after 4 years, I will bring
her to China. I will never leave her.

Liu Xiang is a hero to us forever!!!

Yesterday, millions of Chinese were watching 110m hurdles for Liu Xiang. Even though we were in Canada, we were still very care about it. I imaged that Liu xiang will win it or He will lose it, but I never think he will give up because of his injured leg. However, he is still a Hero to us.
When he won the first price in 2004 Olympic Games, he said that “It changes the opinion that Asian countries don’t get good results in sprint races. I want to prove to all the world that Asians can run very fast. I am a Chinese and considering the physiology of the Chinese people, it is something unbelievable.” That's true.
He is not only a athletic, but also a symple of China. He already tried his best to do it, so he is a hero. If he had take the 110m hurdles, he must be the winner. He had already get a lot of good results before. Liu followed up his victory in Greece with a silver medal at the 2005 world championships and then began to dominate the event as he got older and more experienced, setting his world record the following year.
We don't care who will win, but we care about whether you tried your best. Everyone will meet some unexpected things druing their lifes. when it is happened, the only way is to face it. I hope that Liu Xiang will stand up again. I hope his injured leg will become better and better.
I hope that everything will goes well in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Go to Wal-Mart.

Yesterday, I went to Wal-Mart with my sister. Because of Saturday, there were many people shopping in Wal-Mart. Most people put lots of products into their shopping carts, and went around to choose something.
Wal-Mart is the topic of my research paper, and this time, I wanted to do some surveies about it. I came up some questions, and typed it on some pieces of paper. I asked some employees to answers my questions. As following:

1. Are you satisfied with your work now.

A. Yes. B. So so. C. No.
2.If your answer is NO, what's your reason ?

A. lower wage. B. poor health care. C . others
3. Do you want to change your job now?

A. Yes. B. No.
4. How long have you work there?

A. 1~3 B.3~5 C5~7.

6 employees had answered my questions, and they were so nice. They tried their best to help me. According to the results, most people were satisfied with their work now. People who answered no were not satisfied with wages, and most employees wanted to keep on working there. Thus, Wal-Mart is not a sinner as some people said, and it pays more attention to their employees. Wal-Mart also puts lots of money to protect the environment.
I also talked to some consumers how often do you come to Wal-Mart in a week. Most people said 1 or 2 times a week, and they bought many products for one time. As you see, many consumers put Wal-Mart as their first choice if they want to buy something. They can get a lower price here, and Wal-Mart has lots of products.
This survey is very helpful to me, and i will put its results into my presatation.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I had a conversation with Mojtaba through the internet this afternoon. Mojtaba comes from Iran, and he was my classmate when I was in level 5B and 5A. He is so nice that everyone likes him; also, his English is very good. Everytime, when we have questions to ask him, he is full of patience to help us. He does not only answer our questions, but also teach us other things.
He has already graduated from YUELI now, and he plans to go to America to keep on studying in Univercity, but his American passport is a problem. Become he comes from Iran, America will not let him pass easily. He has waited for 4 months, but there was no news at all. Druing that time, he didn't just waite it. He had took another English course to improve English.
He is really a good student. Everytime, after I have a conversation with him, I will full of energy to go on study. When I meet some problems, he encourges me that nothing in the world is impossible, if you keep your mind to do it. I has kept this sentense into my mind, and it really helps me a lot.
I am so happy that I have a foreign friend like him. When you get in trouble, a real friend will talk to you, and share the happiness and sorrow with you. Thus, we should take care of all the friends that around you, and they are your wealth. You don't need so many friends, just some of them who can tell the treth to you.
In China, I also have some good friends. Even though we has separated for almost half a year, we keep in touch with each other. I miss them and my family so much. I hope I can finish study in university as soon as possible, and come back to China. Totaly, I have to stay here at least 3 years. I will study hard, and get a good mark when I graduate.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Yesterday, I went to swim by myself after dinner. In order to lose weight, I has kept swimming for 1 mouth. Even thought I didn't lose much weight, I had a beeter health than before. For example, when I finish swim everyday, I have a good sleep at night. Thus, next day, I full of enery to do everything. I also gain a agreeable mood, and it is said that sports can bring happiness to people. I will keep on swimming in the future.
However, when I swim for a long time yesterday, a girl came in. At first time, I didn't pay special attention to her, but after she dropped into swimming pool, I was shocked by her. She swam quickly and knew all kinds of swim, such as butterfly, freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. I admired her so much, and I really wanted to learn freestyle for a long time.
I thought he must be a coach or a people who swam for many years. I was so curious about her, so when she had a break time, I swam toward her.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Yes?" she answered.
" You swim quite well, and how long have you swim?"
"maybe 10 years."
"10 years? it's cool. I guess you must be an athlete, are you?"
"I hope so, but not yet. I am a coach, and I teach children swim. I really enjoy this job." she said with a smile.
"Wow, it is really a good job, and are you a Korea?"
"Yes, I have been Canada for 6 years"
everything went well as that time, and we enjoyed the conversation very much. After that, she teached me the skills of freestyle, but it was a little difficult for me. Anyway, I liked her very much. We lived in the same building, so we had a lot of time for meeting. I hoped that I can meet her next time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm a sale today.

Today, after class, I came to my sister's store to help her. The store is force on selling bridesmaid's gowns and evening gowns, and I really like all of them. I had tried most of them at once....At that time, I want to be a bride as soon as possible.

I had stayed there for almost 2 hours, but there was no consumers at all. Maybe we opened it only 3days, and most people didn't know it. However, at 4:00 P.M, my first consumer came in. I was so exciting and welcame her and her boy friend to our store. After we talked for a moment, I knew that they came from Korea, and they will hold a wedding 2 weeks later. In order to become the most beautiful bride, she had seen a lot of bridesmaid's gowns, but none of them was suitable to her. However, when she had tried some of ours, she smiled and said that " I will choose it from your store." I was so happy that this was my first time to earn money, and I felt a little confidence from it.

They also gave us some advices that were very helpful for us. For example, they said we needed to bring in more necklaces to wear with the gowns. It was really good advice that we will bring in some necklaces later.

these were the gowns that she had already choosed.(at the top of artical)