Thursday, August 7, 2008

Make a wish: 2008.8.8.

Tomorrow, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will start and people from all over the world pay attention to it. It is said that there will be 4,000,000,000. people to watch Olympic Games tomorrow. It will start at 8:00 am in Toronto's time. However, we need to go to school and have no time to cheer for Olymipc Games. I wish that tomorrow will be become an Olympic day that everyone can watch Olympic Games together in school. As I know, people in China will have a free day that they don't need to work or study, so they have time to watch Olympic Games.

This Olympic Games has a special meaning for China because it is the best time to show ourselves to the world. In order to hold an successful Olympic Games, people and government do a lot of work. Even though many things happened druing this year, such as an earthquake in Sichuan, a heavy snowstorm in south of China, but Chinese get together to face these problems. it proves that nothing can beat people who get together and never give up.

I believe that tomorrow's show will bring surprise to everyone, and it must be very successful. I hope everything goes tomorrow.

1 comment:

Don said...

At first it looked like Canada was in trouble -- a whole week and no medals! But now we are doing o.k. (Thursday, August 21 - 13 medals)

China has the most gold medals at 45, with just a few days to go. Will they pass the Americans in total medals, too (82 to 79) ?

I also have to look, because I am a little older and an American originally, at the total medals of Russia plus all the other countries that used to be part of the U.S.S.R.:

Russia 46
Ukraine 18
Belarus 13
Kazakhstan 8
Azerbaijan 5
Uzbekistan 5
Armenia 5
Georgia 4
Lithuania 3
Estonia 2
Kyrgizstan 2
Latvia 1
Tajikistan 1

-for a total of 113. Hmm.